2016年7月12日 星期二


2:9 我從以色列人面前除滅亞摩利人。他雖高大如香柏樹,堅固如橡樹,我卻上滅他的果子,下絕他的根本。
2:10 我也將你們從埃及地領上來,在曠野引導你們四十年,使你們得亞摩利人之地為業。

Yet it was I who destroyed the Amorite before them,
whose height was like the height of the cedars
and who was as strong as the oaks;
I destroyed his fruit above
and his roots beneath.
  Also it was I who brought you up out of the land of Egypt
and led you forty years in the wilderness,
to possess the land of the Amorite.




